Tuesday, June 22, 2010

UPDATE: 'Dudus' captured

    Thursday 24th of June, a army of federal officials escorted  Mr. Christopher 'Dudus' Coke, alleged crime boss of the Shower Posse from Micheal Manley International airport to Westchester County airport. He was greeted to many reporters taking pictures of a man that prior to this point limited pictures were available.
     'Dudus' is set to face gun running and narcotics charges in a New York court. Mr. Coke when captured in Jamaica waived his right for an extradition hearing believing his chances for a fair trial would be severely limited.
      Coke, 40 is charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and illegal trafficking of guns and ammunition according to online reports. If Mr. Coke is convicted he will serve a maximum of life in prison and minimum of ten years.
      It is baffling to me how the U.S government is dedicated to putting this man behind bars for life when there is a wide variety of domestic treat. Is it a personal vendetta? I'm not sure. Mr. Coke's father was the head of a notorious gang named 'Shower Posse' known the number of bullets they use murders. Mr. Brown never made it to serve U.S prison time. He was burned in a Jamaican jail. 'Dudus' allegedly became the new leader of the Shower Posse and allegedly created a more successful infrastructure that will now know him freedom
     I am glued to this story and will most definitely update.

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